Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Humpday Listday: Things I'm Excited To Do When I Get Home

While we're loving D.C. and being 'away from it all' for a week, I'll admit I'm getting a little homesick. Here are some things I'm excited to do when I get home.

1. See my cat! Boarding her for a week has been difficult for me. The first night here, I cried a little because I missed her so much. Silly, I know.

2. Sleep in my own bed. The Residence Inn doesn't have the worst bed ever, but I really miss our bed. It's so soft and squishy and it has our fluffy pillows and our non-scratchy sheets.

3. Bake something. We have a kitchen in our hotel room, but there's no oven. I miss baking things. I'm pretty sure biscuits are first on the list.

4. Drink coffee out of the Pantone coffee mug I bought at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. It's turquoise and I love it already.5. Sit at my computer for several hours. We have a laptop here, but all of my stuff is on the desktop at home. I haven't been following blogs very closely, and I really miss that. I feel like that's part of my normal routine and I haven't had that this week.

6. Not walk. I am excited to NOT walk for a while. I can't even begin to imagine how many miles we've walked this week.

7. Park near my destination. This goes along with NOT walking. I'd like to drive my car. And park near where I'm going. DC's Metro is great. It really is, but I'm a Georgia girl from a town whose only form of public transportation is the school bus. I want to park near my destination.

8. Craft. I haven't crafted since before we left. I have so many projects on my list and my fingers are just itching to get started.

That's it. I'm stopping at 8. I'm too tired and my feet hurt too much to do any more.

Happy Humpday.


aubrey said...

One of the best things about going away, is coming home sometimes. Not that the trip isn't fabulous...
I like to park near my destination too--and not parallel parking!

Jessica said...

I think you need to add to your list that we need a Katie and Jessica date! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! The last few times have been very quick! Love ya!