Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cover Me Mondays: Almost Grown

I'm still having trouble blogging regularly. Please be patient.

Here's another Cover Me Monday... on Tuesday. It would seem that I'm all about the 50's music lately.....

Original, Chuck Berry, 1959:

Chuck Berry with Keith Richards, 1986:

Cover, David Bowie, 1979:

PS... Do you know how many people have covered Johnny B. Goode? Wow.

1 comment:

citymouse said...

I've been off kilter over at my blog too. Don't know if it's the change in seasons or just my crazy life. Been seeing a ton of live music (which makes me happy)and doing other fun things but I just haven't had the energy to write about it.

I really like the Bowie version of this. These were definitely in your face kinda tunes early on a dark, chilly Friday morning! Maybe it'll give me the kick in the pants I've been needing!