Monday, January 12, 2009

New Semester, Same Ol' Statesboro

So, today was the first day of the new semester. I really hate the first week of class. This always happens. I always forget how much I hate the first week. We don't do anything of substance, the buses are way too crowded, and I have to spend hundreds of dollars on books and supplies. This semester will end up costing somewhere around $500 for books and supplies... mostly books. In fact, almost half of that is from just one class. My packet for Spanish (including textbook, lab manual, workbook, pocket dictionary and codes for the online course content) was $200. I spent $441 today and have to go back tomorrow to get a few drawing supplies that I don't already have. The only thing that makes it a little bit easier is that the money comes directly out of my financial aid. I'm not actually spending the money, it just means that I won't get as much back when the checks are cut. Oh well, such is life.

As far as the classes themselves, I don't think it will be too terrible of a semester. Mondays and Wednesdays are definitely my heavy days; I'm on campus from 10:30 or so till 5:30. That makes for a long day and a very tired and cranky Katie.

I'm slightly worried about my Spanish class. I haven't had any Spanish since my very first semester of college... that's been a while. My only consolation is that there are others in the class that seem to have the same trouble. I really hope I catch up soon. It brings a whole new meaning to not understanding the professor.

I leave you with the song that got me through today. I must have played it 30 times. Jenny Lewis is my hero.

1 comment:

Bibbi's Boggled Bloggle (say that three times fast) said...

Good luck with your can do it! When you finish the class then you can tell what all the Mexicans are saying in Wal-Mart. lol