Wednesday, April 30, 2008


For those of you who don't know, there is a phenomenon called Engrish. You know how several years ago everybody was wearing clothes with Chinese or Japanese writing and nobody knew what it said? Well, apparently the same is true for Japanese fashion, too. This fatastic website is devoted to this.

Here are a few examples:

Now, seriously, go check it out. It might just be the funniest thing you've seen all day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Roommate Jeopardy

We played Roommate Jeopardy (as seen in that episode of Friends) at the Marvin House last night. It was a ridiculous amount of fun. Christie won... and received a handsome certificate.

I made up the questions and served as the host. There were four categories for each round with four questions each.

This is the game board before we played.

Again, we had a ridiculous amount of fun.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Love the Whole World

I'm so in love with this Discovery Channel commercial. It's beautiful.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Helpful Katie

I find it terribly funny that everybody comes to me for help with their:

a. computers, including, but not limited to:
  • internet problems
  • digital camera trouble
  • I need this specific software, can you get it for me?
  • Photoshop help
  • I want this particular CD/TV Show/Movie, can you download it for me?

b. Sewing and/or crafting needs... including:
  • Sew up the holes in my clothing and/or bedding
  • I lost a button... help!
  • I want you to help me make gifts for my friends and/or relatives.
  • Make me a pillow/bag/pouch/scarf/hat, etc.

c. TV, DVD Players, VCR's, and other electronic equipment

I'm not complaining, mind you. It's just that some things really don't require my help. They require Google. And some things require learning how to do it for yourself.

As for the stuff that really does require my help, a little compensation never hurt anybody.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Masters, or How Katie was Convinced that Golf is Fun

Chris and I were lucky enough to be gifted Masters tickets for Saturday. This is sort of what it was like:

1. It was the largest gathering of fifty-year-old white guys in polo shirts and khaki pants I have ever seen in my 23 years.

2. The grass was prettier and softer than any carpet I've ever had.

3. We sat at the 4th hole for a few hours in the morning and saw the first 1/3 of the golfers come through. Then it started to rain....... alot.

4. It rained so hard that we had to leave, change clothes, then come back later.

5. Now dry, we planted ourselves at the 18th green.

6. I saw Tiger Woods. I saw him make the shot pictured below. It was beautiful.

7. We went home, tired but happy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Umbrella Bags

I made two of these- one with red inside, one with green. They're made the same way the other pleated bag is made.... it's pretty much my new favorite thing.